For The 20th Consecutive Year, TMG On Both VAR 100 and Top 100 VARs Lists

We are thrilled to announce that The TM Group (TMG) has been recognized as a leader in the industry for the 20th consecutive year by inclusion in both the Accounting Today’s VAR 100 and Bob Scott’s Top 100 VARs lists for 2024. This prestigious recognition underscores our commitment to excellence and our position as a top performer in the field of ERP solutions.

Accounting Today’s VAR 100 highlights the top resellers in the accounting software industry, showcasing firms that have excelled in providing exemplary service and innovative solutions to clients nationwide. TMG’s inclusion in this esteemed list reaffirms our dedication to delivering cutting-edge ERP implementations and superior customer service.

Similarly, Bob Scott’s Top 100 VARs list recognizes outstanding VARs in the ERP space, acknowledging firms that have demonstrated exceptional growth, industry leadership, and a commitment to advancing technology solutions for businesses of all sizes. TMG is honored to be part of this prestigious group, reflecting our ongoing efforts to drive digital transformation and business success through ERP solutions tailored to our customers’ needs.

“These recognitions are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as the trust and support of our valued clients,” said Judy Thomas, President at TMG. “We remain committed to delivering excellence in ERP implementation and customer service, empowering businesses to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.”

As we celebrate these achievements, we extend our heartfelt thanks to our clients, partners, and team members whose unwavering support has made these accolades possible. We look forward to continuing our journey of innovation and excellence, helping businesses achieve their goals through Microsoft Dynamics ERP solutions.

ERP Accounting

Your Ultimate Guide to ERP Implementation

Implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software in your business can unlock transformative potential. However, covering the needs of all departments, from manufacturing to sales, while still coping with the process weaknesses of your day-to-day operations can be a challenge. Whether you choose a cloud ERP or an on-premises solution, the implementation process demands strategic planning.

You must recognize that it’s more than just accounting software—it’s an integral step toward streamlining your operations and positioning your business for growth. As you navigate the complexities of integrating this system into your company’s fabric, having a trusted ERP implementation partner is key. They provide necessary guidance and support, ensuring the software aligns with your business objectives and processes.

A successful implementation hinges on meticulous execution. Unlike routine software upgrades, an ERP implementation process requires a holistic approach to adopt a company-wide change. Let’s discuss what to look for in your ERP partner and implementation process to identify new opportunities within your operations.


Things to Consider

When planning an ERP implementation strategy, your business needs are paramount. Assessing your organization’s requirements will guide you in choosing between a cloud-based or an on-premises ERP system.

Cloud-Based ERP: Offers scalability and flexibility at lower total cost of ownership. If keeping your systems up to date and secure is a concern, consider switching to the cloud where the software provider manages updates and upgrades.

On-Premises ERP: Necessary if your organization prioritizes direct control over their systems and data, but be aware that you will have to plan for the necessary ongoing infrastructure upkeep.

As your business functions evolve, your ERP solution should grow with you. Consider not only your current state but also where you aim to be in the next 5 to 10 years.

Regarding the search for ERP vendors, differentiate them not only by the features they offer but also by their ability to meet your business’s unique needs. An effective partnership with the right vendor will significantly influence the success of your ERP project.

Finally, if you are currently working with legacy systems like Microsoft Dynamics GP, SL and NAV, understand that the scope of transitioning them into your new ERP solution is more like a new system implementation than an upgrade to your existing systems. Plan and budget accordingly to avoid business disruptions.

At each decision point, you and your implementation partner must maintain a clear vision for the ERP’s role within your business context. With proper groundwork, your ERP system will serve as a robust foundation for your organization’s operations and growth initiatives.


Planning a Tailored Implementation Phase

The next step, the planning phase, lets you tailor the implementation approach to your specific business needs. A strategic implementation plan is your roadmap to a successful deployment and should align with current business objectives and setup.

Preparing Your Roadmap

Assessment: Begin by evaluating your business processes and identifying the need for an ERP system.

Goal Definition: Establish clear objectives for what you want to achieve with your ERP.

Vendor Evaluation: Choose a vendor whose ERP solution aligns with your business requirements.

Implementing Your Plan

Resource Allocation: Ensure you have the necessary resources, both human and financial.

Project Management: Assign a competent internal project manager to oversee the implementation process who will work closely with your partner’s project manager.

Configuration: Tailor the ERP solution to your operational needs without altering core functionalities.

Customization: If necessary, customize features to fit your unique business processes.

Preparation and Data Migration: Prepare your team for change and migrate data carefully to the new system.

Testing: Conduct thorough testing of the system with real-world scenarios.

Training: Implement a training plan to familiarize your staff with the new system.

Go-Live: Execute the transition to the new ERP system and provide immediate support for any issues.


Maintenance and Support: Plan for ongoing maintenance and user support to ensure the ERP system continues to perform optimally. If you implement a cloud-based ERP solution, this step becomes much easier since updates are applied automatically by the provider.

By following a comprehensive implementation timeline and considering these important factors, you’ll set the stage for a smooth transition and long-term success with your ERP system.


Draft a Data Migration Plan

Before embarking on the data migration journey of your ERP implementation, consider the entire scope of your business processes to ensure a smooth transition. Careful planning and execution will maintain data integrity and align with your company’s operational needs.

Designing a Migration Framework

Your first priority is to design a migration framework that comprehensively maps out each business process within your organization. A framework ensures that no data gets overlooked during migration. You should engage stakeholders from every department to provide input on the unique requirements of their data. Identify what data resides in your legacy systems and outline a plan that segments data migration into clear, actionable stages.

In the framework, create detailed migration roadmaps for each business unit, specifying which data sets are to be migrated, the sequence of migration and who will be responsible for each phase. You may use tables to visually organize data entities, sources, targets and key contacts involved in the migration.

Ensuring Data Accuracy and Integrity

Data accuracy and integrity are paramount during the migration process. To ensure the migrated data remains accurate and integral, you need to implement data validation and testing protocols. Start by assessing data quality against predefined standards and clean up any inconsistencies or duplicates.

Checklists are helpful for data validation and for applying a consistent and rigorous approach to quality assurance. To detect potential issues early in the process, regularly test the migrated data at various stages with sample data sets. It’s vital to also take into account how migrated data will be managed post-migration for ongoing accuracy.

Keep stakeholders engaged throughout the testing phase and solicit their feedback to affirm data fidelity. Remember, the credibility of your ERP system post-migration rests on the reliability of the data it houses.


Customizing Your New ERP Solution

Before diving into the specific aspects of customizing your ERP system, understand that the ultimate goal is to align the software with your unique business processes. To do so will involve adapting the solution to fit your operational workflows and configuring it to empower your users’ responsibilities.

Adapting ERP to Business Workflows

When customizing your ERP system, you’ll need to conduct a needs assessment to distinguish which of your business workflows can be managed by the ERP’s standard features and which may require additional third-party integrations. This step is crucial in shaping an ERP solution that seamlessly integrates with your ongoing business dynamics. Tailoring the ERP solution to accommodate business processes will often necessitate minor tweaks or sometimes expansive customizations to reflect the realities of your company’s practices.

Configuring Modules and User Roles

Adjusting your ERP system hinges on configuring modules and user roles. Each business unit within your organization might require different modules tailored to its operational needs.

Your sales department might need customization for a CRM module to better manage a complex sales process. In those scenarios, Microsoft Dynamics CRM could be a fitting example to follow. Additionally, defining user roles ensures that the right people have the right level of access and capabilities within the system. It often involves creating role hierarchies, setting permissions and enabling data access that aligns with each employee’s job function and expertise.

The last step to harnessing the full potential of your ERP system is ensuring that employees are adequately trained on these custom workflows and processes. Providing comprehensive training will smooth the transition and bolster user adoption rates. Doing so will establish a competent user base right from the launch.


Strategic ERP Integration for All Managed Services

Effective ERP integration is critical for the seamless operation of your business services. A strategic approach ensures that your system aligns with the current IT infrastructure and interacts efficiently with all stakeholders throughout the deployment process.

Integrating With Existing IT Infrastructure

You should start by assessing your current IT infrastructure for compatibility issues. The goal is to integrate the ERP system in such a way that it complements and enhances your business applications, like CRM or eCommerce systems. You or your partner can use APIs for a seamless data exchange and to extend functionality to meet specific needs. This integration not only provides real-time applications but also maintains the integrity and accessibility of your business data across platforms.

Coordinating Deployment With Stakeholders

For a successful deployment, it’s essential to involve all stakeholders, from your project team to the service users. Detailed planning and clear communication are paramount. You’ll want to set realistic expectations, define precise roles and ensure all parties are informed at each stage of the deployment process. Coordination with stakeholders facilitates a shared vision and commitment to agreed-upon key performance indicators (KPIs).


Avoid ERP Implementation Failure

Ensuring the success of your ERP implementation hinges on thorough testing and effective change management. These practices not only verify system integrity but also foster user adoption.

Conducting Thorough System Testing

Testing is not just a phase—it’s the most important part of quality assurance for your ERP system. Start with system testing to confirm every module works as intended. It is critical to run through real-world scenarios that reflect your business processes. By doing so, you ensure that all technical functionalities are aligned with your operational requirements.

The goal is to identify and address any issues that could undermine the integrity of the new system. Consider employing technical services to comply with any hardware, connectivity and security requirements and to configure a robust testing environment.

To conduct effective system testing:

Plan: Define the scope and objectives clearly.

Execute: Test each module individually and then as part of the integrated system.

Evaluate: Assess the results against expected outcomes.

Refine: Make adjustments based on feedback.

Enacting Change Management for User Acceptance

Change management supports your organization in preparing for the transition. It involves strategic planning and communication to ease resistance to the new system.

By actively engaging users in the user acceptance testing phase, you address concerns and gather valuable feedback that can improve user experience. This phase is crucial as it transitions from a testing environment to real-world use, setting the tone for how well the system will be received.

Effective change management includes:

Communication: Keep stakeholders informed and involved.

Training: Equip users with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Support: Provide resources to help users adapt to the system.

Monitor: Keep an eye on performance metrics and be ready to intervene.

By conducting comprehensive system testing and implementing change management strategies, you set a firm foundation for a successful ERP implementation.


Rely on a Trusted Implementation Partner

A software implementation project can be challenging, especially while you’re taking care of daily operations. That’s why collaborating with a trusted ERP partner experienced in your industry and the right software tools is invaluable for business success. A skilled ERP project manager not only brings expertise in the specific software tools but also a profound understanding of project management and the capability to navigate any potential challenges.

Selecting Your Partner: Your chosen partner should have a proven track record in delivering successful projects. They should offer more than just technical know-how; they must understand your industry and business processes to tailor the ERP selection and customization to your needs.

Experience: Look for partners with extensive experience and published profiles of their projects.

Approach: They should have a methodical implementation approach, ensuring all phases are completed to high standards and without ERP implementation delays.

Project Management: A good implementation partner will assign a dedicated project manager to your project. This individual will be the primary contact point, coordinating between your team, the vendor and their own implementation team. Your project manager should be adept at planning to avoid common pitfalls and have solid leadership skills.

Vendor Relationships: A strong relationship between your partner and ERP vendors is essential for a smooth implementation. These relationships facilitate better communication and faster resolution of technical issues that may arise.

Certified: Vendors often certify partners who demonstrate a high level of competence.

Trustworthy: Good partners maintain good vendor relationships.

Ongoing Support: Post-implementation ERP support is key. A good partner will extend their service beyond the go-live phase.

Training: Make sure your partner provides training to ensure your staff are competent users.

Support: Inquire if the partner provides both on-site and remote support when necessary.

By choosing a trusted ERP implementation partner, you can navigate the complexities of ERP systems more effectively, minimizing disruptions in your business processes and ensuring a smoother transition to new systems.


Adjust Your Timeline

When implementing an ERP system, plan for ample training time to help ensure user adoption. Such preparation enables your employees to fully embrace and use the new system effectively.

Before Rollout

Plan: Develop a comprehensive training plan suited to the diverse needs of your employees. Your HR department can play a critical role in identifying the different learning styles of your staff and requirements across the organization.

Train: Begin training well before the ERP go-live date to provide a solid foundation for your teams.

After Rollout

Ongoing Support: This lets your team maintain momentum. It reinforces the training and provides aid where needed. Establish support channels such as help desks or peer support groups to further embed your training investment.

Storytelling: Encourage users to share feedback and use it to improve the training, support processes and even possible enhancements to your systems and processes.

Consistent Reinforcement

Continuing Process: Reinforcement through repeated sessions helps solidify the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the new ERP system.

User Adoption: Highlight success stories to improve user adoption. They can be powerful motivators for teams still adjusting to the new system that can enhance enthusiasm and encourage use of the new system.

Adjust your timeline to accommodate these phases. By doing so, you give your employees a reasonable period to adapt, reducing resistance and promoting positive reception of the new ERP system.


Define the Right KPIs

To ensure the success of your ERP implementation, it’s best to define and measure the right KPIs. These metrics will give you insight into your system’s efficiency and return on investment, guiding you toward a more successful implementation.

Establishing Key Performance Indicators

When introducing an ERP system, your primary focus should be on establishing KPIs that align with your business objectives. Start by selecting KPIs that reflect process efficiency, such as cycle time reduction and inventory turnover. Monitor the ROI by measuring cost savings and revenue increase post-implementation.

Ensure your KPIs are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) for accurate reporting and analysis. Effective ERP systems can potentially integrate with artificial intelligence to further enhance these metrics.

Reviewing and Adjusting for Continuous Improvement

Your job continues beyond the establishment of KPIs; regular review and adjustment of these metrics are essential for continuous improvement. Analyze your KPI data periodically to identify any discrepancies or areas for optimization. This review process will help you adjust your strategies and achieve the desired outcomes from your ERP system. Use these insights to modify your processes for peak performance.

Understanding the interplay between ERP, CRM and other business critical systems can be pivotal to achieving overall business success as it impacts KPIs related to customer satisfaction and sales performance (discussed in this comparison of ERP and CRM systems).


Need Help With Your ERP Project?

Your ERP solution is a cornerstone in the foundation of your organizational growth. It should align with your strategic goals and provide the necessary tools to monitor performance. The TM Group has decades of experience in guiding clients through the implementation of ERP and CRM solutions. To find out how we can assist your organization with an ERP implementation, reach out today to our expert team.

The TM Group Recognized for the 14th Year in Bob Scott’s VAR Star for Outstanding Performance in ERP Solutions

The TM Group (TMG) is thrilled to announce its selection as one of Bob Scott’s VAR Stars for 2023. This prestigious recognition underscores The TM Group’s commitment to excellence in delivering top-notch consulting and development services to businesses seeking transformative with Microsoft’s Dynamics CRM and ERP applications.

Bob Scott’s VAR Stars is an annual recognition that honors high-performing Value-Added Resellers (VARs) in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) space. The selection process is rigorous and focuses on VARs that have demonstrated exceptional expertise, customer satisfaction, and a profound impact on their clients’ business operations. “Each year, 100 VAR Stars are picked from the best organizations that market financial software. It is always an honor to recognize those who contribute to the development of our business,” Bob Scott said.

TMG’s inclusion in the VAR Stars list for the 14th consecutive year is a testament to its unwavering dedication to providing clients with tailored ERP solutions that drive efficiency, enhance productivity, and contribute to overall business success. “Our comprehensive approach to ERP implementation and support ensures that clients not only choose the right technology, but they also receive the professional services required to achieve their unique business goals,” explains TMG President Judy Thomas.

Picking the right VAR, especially in the complex landscape of ERP solutions, is crucial for businesses aiming to stay competitive and agile in today’s rapidly evolving market. TMG stands out as a trusted partner that goes beyond traditional VAR services. With a team of highly skilled professionals and a client-centric approach, TMG collaborates closely with clients to understand their specific needs, customize solutions, and provide ongoing support for sustained success.

“In the expansive marketplace of ERP solutions, choosing the right partner is pivotal for businesses,” further explains Judy Thomas. “We are proud to be the partner of choice for organizations seeking transformative and future-ready CRM & ERP solutions and we congratulate our team of amazing talented individuals for helping to achieve this recognition”

As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of digital transformation, The TM Group remains committed to empowering clients with innovative business solutions that drive growth and enhance operational efficiency.

About The TM Group:

The TM Group (TMG) is a Microsoft Dynamics partner and trusted advisor to hundreds of clients helping them achieve efficiency, increase productivity and provide clarity to their business KPIs.  As a Gold Microsoft Partner, The TM Group leverages its more than 40 years of award-winning experience to help clients with implementation and support of enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) and business intelligence solutions including Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Service, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing, Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics SL in a wide variety of industries. TMG has offices in Farmington Hills and Grand Rapids, Michigan as well as South Bend, Indiana and Columbus, Ohio. TMG serves hundreds of clients throughout North America and internationally.

About Bob Scott

Bob Scott has been informing and entertaining the mid-market financial software community via his email newsletters for 23 years. He has published this information via the ERP Global Insights (formerly Bob Scott’s Insights) newsletter and website since 2009. He has covered this market for more than 30 years through print and electronic publications, first as technology editor of Accounting Today and then as the Editor of Accounting Technology from 1997 through 2009. He has covered the traditional tax and accounting profession during the same time and has continued to address that market as executive editor of the Progressive Accountant since 2009.




Unveiling Tomorrow’s Dynamics: Join Us at The TM Group’s Vision 2024 Microsoft Dynamics Client Conference!

Mark your calendars because something extraordinary is happening on Tuesday, May 21st, at the Vistatech Center in Livonia, Michigan – The TM Group’s Vision 2024 Microsoft Dynamics Client Conference! We’re turning the spotlight on the future of Microsoft Dynamics, and you’re invited to be a part of this transformative experience. 

Event Details: 

Date: May 21st, 2024 

Location: Vistatech Center, Livonia, Michigan 

Registration Link: 

Who Should Attend: 

Anyone from an organization that uses the following: 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, Service, or Marketing 

Microsoft Dynamics GP, SL, NAV

What to Expect: 

  1. General Sessions for All Dynamics Enthusiasts:

In our Future Directions session, our consultants will explore the limitless possibilities of business management with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Copilot AI, Power Platform, & CRM applications. They will show an example of how to seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence, low-code app development, and robust customer relationship management with Business Central to streamline operations, gain actionable insights, and empower your team. This session is designed to inspire you to elevate your business to new heights by harnessing the collective power of these cutting-edge technologies, revolutionizing the way you operate, make decisions, and engage with your customers. Transform data into intelligence, actions into results, and aspirations into achievements with the dynamic synergy of Business Central Copilot AI, Power Platform, & CRM. 

  1. Real-World Insights from Client Panel:

This compelling session is where real-world success stories come to life. Our client panel, comprised of dynamic organizations leveraging Microsoft Dynamics CRM and ERP solutions, will share firsthand insights into how these technologies have become indispensable in driving their success. From navigating challenges to capitalizing on opportunities, this session offers a detailed view into the transformative power of Dynamics CRM and ERP solutions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the experiences of those who have integrated these tools into their operations, propelling their businesses to new heights. Gain practical wisdom and strategic insights that you can apply directly to your own Dynamics journey directly from those who have walked the path. 

  1. Eleven Breakout Sessions by Our Expert Staff:

These sessions are designed for you to learn how to gain efficiency and better insights that propel your organization forward. You will become a Dynamics virtuoso in the Tips & Tricks sessions that will unlock the full potential of the platform with insider expertise. These sessions are designed to provide practical insights and strategic guidance, ensuring you leave armed with the tools and knowledge to excel in your Dynamics journey. Don’t miss the chance to sharpen your skills and revolutionize your approach to business solutions. 

  1. The Transformative Journey – A Session for Those Contemplating a Transition to Business Central

We have designed this session specifically for those contemplating the leap from on-premises solutions, such as Microsoft Dynamics GP, SL, or NAV, to the dynamic cloud environment of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. It offers a comprehensive roadmap exploring the benefits, challenges, and strategic considerations associated with migrating to the cloud for a seamless transition. Dive into real-world case studies, expert insights, and proven methodologies that will empower you to navigate this crucial transition with confidence. Whether you’re exploring the possibilities or actively planning your move, this session is your guide to unlocking the full potential of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in the cloud. 

  1. Sponsor Showcase – Explore the Best Add-Ons:

Engage with our sponsors in a 45-minute showcase featuring 25 of our most popular add-ons for Microsoft Dynamics solutions. We have assembled a curated collection of cutting-edge tools and enhancements designed to supercharge your Dynamics solution. From innovative workflow accelerators to advanced analytics solutions, each showcase exhibit unveils a realm of possibilities that seamlessly integrate with your Dynamics environment. Engage directly with our sponsors and discover how these add-ons can revolutionize the way you leverage Microsoft Dynamics in your business.  

Why Attend: 

Attending TM Group’s Vision Conference is an unforgettable experience with educational opportunities abound. You can equip yourself with the latest Microsoft Dynamics knowledge through specialized sessions tailored to your needs. We host this Vision Conference so you can stay ahead of the curve by gaining a sneak peek into the future of Microsoft Dynamics, ensuring you’re well-prepared for what lies ahead. Walk away with practical takeaways and strategies gleaned from real-world examples of what your peers are doing with their Dynamics system. Don’t miss this chance to immerse yourself in a world of innovation, learning, and practical application. See you at the conference where the future of Microsoft Dynamics awaits! 

How to Register: 

Spaces are limited, so don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to shape your Dynamics journey. To secure your spot and register for sessions, visit: 

Microsoft Dynamics GP End of Life: Support To Continue Beyond 2028

If you’ve heard about Microsoft’s April 2023 announcement to stop sales for new licenses of Dynamics GP in 2025, you’re probably wondering what it all means for your business. For now, there’s no need to worry, but as a trusted Microsoft Partner for countless enterprises, we’ll help you make the right decision to future-proof your setup for years to come. 


What Exactly Did the Microsoft Dynamics GP Announcement Entail? 

Most businesses are moving to the cloud. Consequently, Microsoft launched their Dynamics 365 cloud CRM and ERP solutions. Their on-premises Dynamics GP and SL solutions are not being released as cloud solutions and instead are being sunset over several years. Moving forward, Microsoft will sell only two ERP cloud solutions to new customers; Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for small to mid-market companies and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations for large, enterprise organizations.  

As a result, new Microsoft Dynamics GP licenses will cease by April 2025. While Microsoft will stop selling licenses, it’ll continue supporting Dynamics GP until at least 2028, and probably beyond that year.  

Here’s what the end of support by version looks like in more detail: 

Date  Event 
Apr 10, 2018  Mainstream support ended for GP 2013 (R2) 
Apr 14, 2020  Mainstream support ended for GP 2015 (R2) 
Jul 13, 2021  Mainstream support ended for GP 2016 (R2) 
Jan 10, 2023  Mainstream support ended for GP 2018 (R2) 
Apr 11, 2023  Extended support ended for GP 2013 (R2) 
Oct 2023  Price increase for subscription and maintenance plan percentage increases 
Apr 1, 2025  No more perpetual license sales for Dynamics GP to new customers; limited to subscription only. Existing GP Customers wll still be able to add new users.  
Apr 8, 2025  Extended support ends for GP 2015 (R2) 
Apr 2026  No more subscription sales for Dynamics GP to new customers. Existing GP customers will still be able to add users. 
Jul 14, 2026  Extended support ends for GP 2016 (R2) 
Jan 11, 2028  Extended support ends for GP 2018 (R2) 
Beyond 2028  Support for Dynamics GP continues beyond this date 

Microsoft is fully aware of the countless businesses running on their software, and as a result, they won’t force you to adopt a new solution in just a few months. Whether you prefer to stay with Dynamics GP or think about migrating to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, both will work fine for now. However, you should keep in mind that, despite annual security updates, Dynamics GP will slowly be phasing out, which will likely make Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central an increasingly attractive option as time moves on for clients. 

New customers can still purchase a perpetual license for Dynamics GP on-premises solution until April 2024, but you should keep in mind that Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central doesn’t force you to invest in physical infrastructure and will be receiving more regular updates and enhancements down the road. If you don’t want a cloud solution, you can also implement Business Central as an on-premises solution, although you’ll need to also buy your own server and have the system updates installed yourself or by your partner. Either way, Business Central provides a more modern and cloud friendly solution. 


What Are Your Options as an Active Dynamics GP Client? 

As you can gather from the table above, there’s no need to panic about your existing Dynamics GP license. You’ll still be able to use it and receive regular updates, at least until 2028. However, it’s also clear from that timeline that extended support is slowly running out — so if you value an up-to-date, modern solution, this may be an opportune time to switch to Business Central. 

Before you actually make the jump to Business Central, The TM Group is happy to help evaluate Business Central for your business to see if it suits your business needs. We are also happy to provide a free transition assessment and project roadmap. Here are some options to migrating your GP on-premises system to the cloud. 


Move to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 

Switching to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides current Dynamics GP customers an easy cloud solution that’s less prone to security breaches and configuration errors. You may have your reservations about storing your company data on another organization’s servers, but doing so with Microsoft lets you access files from anywhere without complicated virtual private networks and remote desktop server setups. Not to mention, once you’ve got everything migrated to the Microsoft cloud, staying up to date with update cycles will no longer require consultants for upgrade projects. Even now, BC already offers a more modern user interface, rich functionality and more business flexibility, and it’ll only grow more capable and reliable with future updates that you’ll never get staying on Dynamics GP. 

Switch to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations 

You may have found that your large, multinational enterprise has grown past both Dynamics GP and Business Central’s capabilities, in which case it can make sense to transition to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. For most GP customers, Business Central has more than enough ERP capabilities and is also cheaper and easier to implement than Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. The TM Group can help you assess if transitioning from Dynamics GP to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central of Finance and Operations makes more business sense. 

Move to a Cloud-Hosted GP system 

If you don’t want to transition from Dynamics GP yet, but would also like to benefit from the security and ease of use a cloud solution can provide, the switch to BC isn’t your only option. Njevity’s Power GP Online is a cloud-hosted Dynamics GP solution that can allow you to embrace the cloud and continue to use GP as well as keeping maintenance and upgrade costs low. For those ready to embrace the cloud but wanting to continue to use GP, we partner with Njevity’s PowerGP Online, a provider of hacker-tested and audit-compliant cloud solutions for Dynamics GP. 


Talk to an Expert To Start Planning Your Dynamics GP Transition 

Here at TMG, we proudly look back at decades of experience implementing Microsoft Dynamics GP for many clients in a diverse array of industries. If you’re still undecided about which future path to take with your Dynamics GP solution, we’ll gladly assist you in developing a technology roadmap for your specific business model and technical needs. 

While there’s no need to panic about Dynamics GP’s end of life, there’s also no reason to miss out on better opportunities. Reach out to our expert team today to learn more about the right one for your enterprise. 

Elevating Family Office Efficiency With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Solution

The Client

A well-established single-family office (SFO) faced significant challenges in modernizing their accounting and data management systems. Previously utilizing Dynamics SL, they sought a cloud-based, next-generation solution that would offer enhanced data access and reporting capabilities while giving them the flexibility needed to map their business processes.


The Challenge

The client’s existing system, Dynamics SL, was nearing its end of life. The organization grappled with numerous manual accounting and reporting processes, making data consolidation for management decision making both time-consuming and inefficient. A significant pain point was their expense approval process, which was not integrated with their ERP system and involved a complex multi-level, multi-approval setup involving multiple stakeholders.

Additionally, manually scanning and processing invoices and managing over 100 bank accounts was incredibly time-intensive. The family also owned a lodge, for which invoicing was done inefficiently through Excel and Word templates, posing challenges in tracking and efficiency.


The Solution

The TM Group recommended Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, complemented by several third-party applications and some custom development to address these challenges. Binary Stream’s Multi-Entity Management was included in the project to manage multiple entities within the same Business Central instance, effectively reducing the complexity of handling hundreds of separate ones.

To address the need for GAAP-style reports and manage consolidated financial reporting for over 100 entities, the TM Group team implemented Solver for Business Central. This provided a robust CPM platform for better and faster decision making through streamlined forecasting, budgeting, reporting and analysis.

For enhanced bank account management, TMG implemented an application to import transactions for the numerous bank accounts using a BAI file, automating bank account reconciliations. Microsoft Power Automate was then set up to facilitate the approval process by sending emails for stakeholder approvals outside of Business Central users, which could then be approved or rejected with a single click. Additionally, TMG developed a custom payment dashboard and check format writing application within the Business Central application, allowing for consolidated payables batches across multiple bank accounts.


The Results

Transitioning to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with The TM Group’s expertise brought the client numerous benefits.

 1. Invoicing efficiency: By bringing their lodge invoicing into Business Central, the SFO ensured up-to-date billing information and invoice formatting consistency, benefiting directly from the ERP system’s capabilities.
 2. Banking management: The TMG-developed payment dashboard automated and streamlined reporting across more than 100 bank accounts, saving significant time and effort. The process of sending positive pay files to various banks was also simplified and automated, enhancing efficiency.
 3. Payables process management: Through Microsoft Power Automate and TMG’s custom development, the SFO could better manage their payables process, catering to both family members and business stakeholders.
 4. Customized approval process: TMG configured an extensive approval process within Business Central, combining core Business Central programming and Power Automate. This system was tailored to the family’s unique requirements, allowing their need for complex approval rules.
 5. Enhanced invoice processing: The introduction of a “purchase invoice inbox” based on multi-entity management dimensions streamlined the approval process by making it easier to attach scanned documents and key information faster for their legal entities.
 6. Financial consolidation: The Solver implementation offered significant benefits in financial consolidations, simplifying the complex task of managing financials across their numerous entities. This also allowed the client to combine the reporting for two different MEM profiles which had different fiscal calendars.
 7. Ownership profiles: TMG is planning a future phase to create Solver data warehouse trees to track the constantly changing multi-layered ownership percentages, determining access rights for accountants and family members based on responsibilities and partial ownership.

Through these solutions the SFO not only transitioned from an old, on-premise accounting system to a more advanced, cloud-based ERP system but also significantly improved their operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities.

Rooted in a rich history of guiding SFOs and numerous other organizations across a diverse range of industries, The TM Group stands as a beacon of excellence in implementing intelligent business solutions especially for family offices. Our expertise empowers businesses to operate at peak performance.

Reach out to our expert team to discover how we can elevate your business to new heights.

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Frame of Mind series. Backdrop composed of human face wire-frame and fractal elements and suitable for use in the projects on mind, reason, thought, mental powers and mystic consciousness; Shutterstock ID 278524988; team: SMB

How artificial intelligence is being used to enhance ERP systems

If you follow the news, it can seem like artificial intelligence (AI) is added to pretty much everything these days. Yet, it’s worth looking into the details because AI tools can impact the overall processes around it, leading to new business models and processes.

As a trusted partner of clients in many industries, we at the TM Group have followed the ERP landscape for decades, including the various ways in which vendors add AI technology to their products. If you’re curious about implementing AI-enabled ERP solutions in your business or unsure if you can trust them, you’re in the right spot.


How is AI changing the notion of ERP software right now?

As the tools keep evolving, AI will be to ERP software what ERP is to manual processes. Not all implementations of AI will have the same impact on the user experience, though.

For instance, many vendors are embedding AI chatbots or AI-based voice commands into their solutions. While these will certainly deliver a level of greater intractability with ERP system’s user interfaces, especially for less technically experienced teams or those simply needing to operate hands-free, they merely add an assistive layer to the user experience, rather than changing the fundamental interaction with the ERP software system.

In other cases, AI-embedded ERP tools already offered in systems allow users to leverage various features immediately. As an example, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central already includes AI functionality. Microsoft, which has invested $13 billion in its partnership with OpenAI, brings the power of AI to small and medium-sized businesses with AI-powered Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot and their Business Central ERP application, enable companies to work smarter, adapt faster, and perform better. With the AI tools in Business Central, clients can automate repetitive tasks. Improve customer service, anticipate business challenges, and enhance management’s decision-making.

At their core, these new features often aim to automate repetitive tasks such as data entry and inventory management. Sometimes, they’re used to mine data at a depth that simply wouldn’t be feasible for human employees, allowing an ERP system to provide real-time, insightful analytics.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind that an AI-powered ERP system still has its limitations and that most tasks should only be automated with human oversight.

A few examples will show where to draw that line. At this point, you can already automate your invoice processing with a precision that most human workers could never achieve. That’s because it’s a fairly predictable business process. In fact, its predictable nature may even be the reason why it’s often attached to human error.

On the other hand, AI may technically be able to match candidates with your most recent job postings or deal with complaints in customer service. However, it’s probably not advisable to completely outsource this task to conversational AI, given that you often won’t have full insight into the decision-making process. A biased protocol might lead to ethically questionable decisions at best and make you liable at worst.

So yes, AI will significantly change our notion of what ERP is and does for years to come, but it doesn’t mean we can put everything on autopilot.


Does AI-enabled ERP make sense?

Due to the vast amount of choices in ERP with varied AI capabilities, it’s only natural that you’ll face the decision of how and where to leverage AI at some point. Should you choose an AI provider that seamlessly integrates with your ERP or rather use AI parallel to your ERP solution?

While there are additional ethical and legal questions to consider when implementing AI tools, implementing an AI-enabled ERP platform is always advisable due to both AI and ERP’s transformative natures. Think of AI as an internal combustion engine. It can generate power outside of a car, but you’ll see the biggest advantages as part of it. Similarly, AI will augment the capabilities of a traditional ERP platform, providing your business with a competitive edge over those relying on manual processes.

Let’s say retail chain A uses AI algorithms for demand forecasting, and retailer B doesn’t.

Retailer A could then employ machine learning algorithms to analyze historical sales data, considering various parameters like seasonality, trends and correlations with external factors. Since they wouldn’t depend on manual data analysis, they could continuously integrate real-time data sources like weather forecasts, social media trends and economic indicators to adjust predictive models.

By more accurately predicting demand, the model could suggest optimal inventory levels for each product, ensuring the right products are available at the right locations and times.

Retailer B would also analyze sales data, but due to the limits of every human employee, they might miss subtle patterns or correlations between various data points. It’s also likely that they would use statistical models like moving averages to forecast future demand.

However, these methods might struggle to capture complex relationships between variables or adapt quickly to changing external factors. As a result, factors like weather or economic conditions might be considered a luxury and will not be factored into their models. Their less accurate forecasts make them more prone to overstocking and stockouts, leading to potential losses and missed sales opportunities.

Not to mention, AI models don’t need to share each company’s confidential information to keep learning. That means they’ll be able to suit increasingly specific requirements as developers move into smaller industry niches. And while you should always ensure that each model’s output is accurate and suits your business needs, AI models, as a rule, can handle larger data volumes than any human could fathom, allowing them to scale with your operations as you add features or even train a proprietary model.

It certainly makes sense to consider user access and permission rights to the model, as you would with any new software. That said, AI will provide a level of performance optimization and simultaneous customization that we haven’t encountered before. If you don’t join early, you’ll probably end up losing to competitors who do.


What are some of the benefits of incorporating AI and machine learning into ERP systems?

Time is money, and AI helps you make the most of both. With AI-driven data analysis, decision makers don’t have to wait on the next monthly report to assess financial risks or tailor marketing strategies to recent trends. Instead, they can simply generate automatic reports, whether that’s on anomalies in transactions that might suggest fraudulent activities or on predictive maintenance schedules based on equipment sensors and production planning.

Strategies like these can safeguard your business against legal claims, downtime and security risks – all while improving your bottom line.

Since AI can also be integrated with CRM and marketing automation tools, it can serve to personalize customer experiences. Once you’ve consolidated all systems, these recommendations can bridge the gap between recent market data or customer feedback and your marketing and inventory strategies.

By leveraging AI in inventory management, you’ll realize significant cost savings by minimizing excess inventory holding costs and improving supply chain efficiency through streamlined operations and reduced wastage.

Ultimately, what those benefits will look like strongly depends on your business model, software choices and KPIs. Whenever you choose to incorporate AI and machine learning into your operations, it’s worth determining goals early on and tracking them as you move forward.


Which challenges and limitations do you need to be aware of using AI within your ERP?

Implementing AI functionality with any ERP system presents a promising avenue for efficiency and innovation, yet it’s not without its challenges and limitations. Chief among these are the inherent risks associated with handling sensitive data within AI-driven processes. Data breaches and privacy concerns loom large, demanding robust strategies to mitigate these risks. Encryption, strict access controls and ongoing monitoring are vital components of safeguarding sensitive information.

Another hurdle lies in the need for employees to cultivate AI-related skills and knowledge. Investing in comprehensive training programs or hiring AI expertise can bridge this gap, ensuring that the workforce is equipped to harness the full potential of AI within the ERP environment.

The implementation process itself can pose its own set of challenges, especially when meshing AI capabilities with ERP capabilities and data sets. Selecting the right AI-embedded ERP solutions demands meticulous evaluation, considering factors like compatibility, scalability, and customization options. A seamless implementation process calls for a strategic roadmap and close collaboration between IT teams and business stakeholders.

However, cost implications can’t be overlooked. While the upfront costs for AI-embedded ERP might seem daunting, the long-term benefits often outweigh these initial expenses. Improved accuracy, streamlined processes, and data-driven insights contribute significantly to operational efficiency and competitive advantages.


Speak with an expert today to learn more about AI ERP implementation

Navigating the terrain of AI as well as ERP necessitates a balanced approach. It demands proactive measures to mitigate risks, investment in skill development, careful selection of business solutions, and a thorough assessment of costs versus benefits. With diligent planning and strategic execution, harnessing AI’s potential within ERP systems can pave the way for transformative growth and enhanced performance.

If you’re curious about the benefits your enterprise could reap from automation, get in touch with our expert team to discuss a customized solution tailored to your needs.

ERP Accounting

What Is Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP?

For many enterprises, an Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system is already the backbone of business success. In 2022, 60% of executives stated that digital transformation was their most important driver of growth, and that trend will only continue to expand. 

Still, some entrepreneurs hesitate to change their business operational solutions because they feel overwhelmed with the technical challenges involved.

If that’s you, you’re in the right place. Let’s talk about the benefits of ERP software and the challenges in picking the right one.


Understanding ERP and Its Benefits

In a nutshell, ERP refers to a business software suite for business process management and back-office automation. Think of it as a virtual representation of your operation, with components dedicated to finances, supply chain management, customer relationship management, job costing, service management and analytics.

These days, many modern ERPs include artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities to enhance operations management. For example, AI assistants can help automate core business processes in different departments, analyze data patterns, prevent manual process errors and even power chatbots for employee training or customer relations. Depending on the way in which ML is embedded in the respective platform, they can also use historical data to continuously improve operational efficiency or adapt to user preferences.

While it’s easy to recognize the technical capabilities of a modern ERP platform, measuring their ROI can be a challenge. Here are some of the benefits to look for in a successful ERP implementation:

Cost savings: ERP software eliminates redundant and duplicate processes and therefore reduces labor expenses by providing a single source of truth.

Increased efficiency: Streamlined workflows and automated data sharing reduce errors like wrongly entered shipping addresses in order management.

Revenue optimization: Increased process visibility allows you to increase sales, identify cross-selling opportunities and match human resources to demand.

Financial accuracy: Real-time data sharing ensures accurate financial management, billing and auditing.

Enhanced decision making: System-wide data access and business analytics empower strategic and informed decisions across all departments.

Spot risks: Live data streams allow you to address issues in your supply chain or service offerings as they happen, not just after the yearly report.

Brand reputation: Consistent order delivery and customer satisfaction build brand loyalty and further trust in you as a reliable business partner.

Scalability: ERP systems facilitate future business growth through customizable features and extension capabilities.

Overall, ERP maximizes ROI by streamlining operations and reducing costs and errors while enlightening an organization with unified data and business intelligence for competitive decision making. While the initial implementation process requires an investment of staff time and capital, the long-term tangible and intangible benefits make an ERP system invaluable to the business.


ERP Deployment Models

Although the businesses are slowly but surely moving toward the cloud, you’ll still encounter various deployment choices for ERP systems, namely on-premise, hybrid and cloud solutions. If you’re still undecided which one to pick, here are some factors to consider.

On-Premise ERP Software

Your first instinct might be that cloud solutions are less secure and inconvenient, but on-premise solutions aren’t without their own faults. For one, they allow you to choose your own hardware, giving you more control over functionality and performance.

However, it should go without saying that these hardware options translate to higher long-term costs. Some enterprises may even find that they’ve boxed themselves in because their initial hardware investments can’t be updated as quickly or easily as a cloud solution.

An important factor to consider is the amount of on-premise support you’ll require. In-house solutions mostly require in-house IT staff, which means you’ll either have to hire technical support yourself or have to contract an outside consultant to do upgrades and keep your systems secure and backed up.

An on-premise solution may seem to also make you more independent of the internet because it will only need your internal network to function. However, businesses today are connected in multiple ways to the internet for email, banking and numerous other functions. Although your software is installed on a server in your office, you will still be dependent on the internet and vulnerable to security risks.  

An on-premise ERP application is a viable choice for businesses requiring direct access and control of their systems, but this does not come without a cost in money and operational flexibility. Still, you need to factor in system support, aging hardware, software update cycles, backups and security systems which still require a significant investment in staff, hardware and maintenance.

Cloud ERP Solutions

When we talk about cloud ERP solutions, we usually refer to a software license that gives you access to certain functionalities on a vendor’s servers. This setup has certain advantages, the first being acquisition cost. Where an on-premise ERP system can require a significant initial investment for hardware and software, cloud solutions cost you a subscription license fee usually based on users. Depending on your ERP vendor, even the fees may be staggered based on your needs.

Cloud solutions also translate to lower maintenance costs because the provider takes care of backups and software updates for you as part of the subscription. These costs are basically lower than on-premise solutions because they end up being shared by multiple companies that are all using the same software in the same data center.

Another factor to consider is your system’s scalability. With ERP cloud solutions, you can adjust your chosen modules, system settings and user counts simply by updating your subscription. That same change can require a hefty investment if you have to buy all your own servers and set them up yourself. And, if you need to reduce user, storage or system capabilities, all you have to do is update your subscription. With your own servers in house, you don’t have this flexibility. 

That said, the cloud doesn’t just have advantages. While it is possible to adjust software modules, users and services, some vendors don’t allow customization and access to ERP tables are restricted. So, if you already know that your business operations require an especially unique setup, you need to confirm your chosen ERP cloud solution allows for customization and configuration. 

In short, a cloud-based ERP can be a great solution for a small to midsize business trying to save on initial system costs or those with limited resources for technical support. For corporations with several branches, they can even contribute to streamlined processes and reduced downtime. However, If you are in an area with an unreliable internet connection, you might find cloud solutions limiting.

Hybrid ERP Solutions

It’s not fair to throw all hybrid ERP solutions in one basket because the term can apply to a wide range of setups. Maybe you simply want to outsource data storage without having to rely on a certain vendor’s servers. Maybe you choose to outsource one feature to a vendor’s server-based solution. Or maybe, you’re just trying to lower acquisition costs while maintaining a level of flexibility that the most prominent vendors don’t provide. 

The reasons for a hybrid solution can be incredibly diverse, which is why it’s hard to blindly recommend the entire category. As a rule, it’s worth looking into hybrid solutions if you notice that on-premise and cloud solutions don’t check all the boxes for you, whether that’s in compliance, setup flexibility or support.


Challenges and Weaknesses of ERP Software

No system is perfect, and given the amount of complexity of ERP solutions, it’s no wonder they come with certain weaknesses. Here are some technical and human factors to consider.

First, we can’t overstate the importance of a thorough needs assessment, scoping and estimating process. Even though cloud ERPs come at a lower price tag, you still have to consider costs for consulting, training, customization and data migration. 

Also, it’s important to account for the employees who end up working with the software, which can translate to additional training and change management. Besides these factors, you should also plan for enough time to migrate any legacy data into the new system.


Industry-Specific ERP Solutions

Some of the issues we’ve mentioned can be a result of the unique needs of your business and industry. After all, a manufacturing company has to track different processes than a mining enterprise. Most mainstream ERP solutions successfully cover the needs of countless businesses and industries, but you may also find that there is an ERP solution built specifically for your industry.

AIM Computer Solutions, for instance, offers a manufacturing solution optimized for automotive suppliers, and Dice Corporation has a system built specifically for the security industry. However, both of these software companies have decided it makes more sense to integrate to the Microsoft Dynamics ERP solutions that The TM Group represents instead of building their own accounting systems. In the past, many industry-specific solutions built their own accounting modules too, but this has changed quite a bit in the current age of cloud ERP.

Ultimately, the advantages you realize from solutions like these depend on your industry. In many cases, you’ll benefit from industry-specific features or possibly even product updates that help you keep up to date with industry trends or niche regulations. However, if you’re dealing with diverse lines of business, an industry-specific package can really limit your operations.


Data Privacy, ROI and Other Factors To Consider Before Choosing an ERP Solution

Pulling it all together, it’s clear that you’ll have to consider a range of factors before choosing a new ERP solution. 

To start, you should compare various solutions from several vendors, weighing the pros and cons of each to determine the best fit for your business needs, budget, IT resources and scalability needs. Data privacy, security and compliance consideration should certainly play into that decision. 

No matter which solution you pick, you should always have a few key project success indicators in mind, whether that’s project timing, implementation speed or cost savings. Some systems may not give you that room to breathe, so you should consider expected business developments from the start.

With all those technical questions out of the way, you also want to take a look at different vendors’ support commitments, integration capabilities and overall reputation. This will ensure your system and provider aligns with your business values and you’ll get the support you need. If the solution is delivered through a partner channel, like the Microsoft’s solutions that The TM Group represents are, you also have to make sure you chose the right implementation partner. Since the software is the same no matter what partner you use, the partner selection is just as important as the software selection.

Finally, it’s worth planning for internal feedback, system training and change management. These strategies will help you notice department-specific issues you may not be aware of and adjust your expectations based on employees’ technical knowledge and attitudes toward the new system.


Find Out What ERP Can Do for Your Business

ERPs can help you run a more effective and profitable business, whether that’s through optimizing your customer service, efficiency gains, risk management or cost savings. Still, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds when you’re researching all the options available and to align them with your strategic business objectives.

If you’re ready to change your business systems but are still undecided about the right solution, the TM Group can help.

Speak with an expert today to find out which ERP system may be right for you.


CRM vs Marketing Automation: Differences, Similarities and Synergies

The shift toward remote work and online shopping has transformed our everyday expectations. 79% of customers expect consistent interactions across a company’s departments, and yet more than half still complain about feeling treated like a number or having to repeat information to different sales reps.

Companies are struggling to deliver on customers’ rising expectations. One response to these challenges can be noted in the growing market size of customer relationship management (CRM) tools from $64.41 bn to a projected $71.06 bn in 2023. While that will certainly be part of the solution, many entrepreneurs still can’t decide whether they need a CRM tool, marketing automation or even both.

If that’s you, we’re here to walk you through both categories by providing industry examples and pointers to help you decide which one matches your unique business objectives.


Understanding CRM Software

Customer relationship management systems serve as the backbone of operations for sales and customer service teams, facilitating streamlined interactions and personalized customer engagement. At its core, a CRM system is tailored to cater to sales representatives rather than marketing teams.

It’s geared toward optimizing day-to-day operations and monitoring every customer interaction. To justify the investment in a CRM platform, your sales processes should already be strong. Once you’re in that segment, implementing one can lead to countless benefits across industries.

Enhanced Efficiency and Streamlined Sales Processes

A CRM system, such as the Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 solution, optimizes efficiency by improving sales process management and monitoring for better customer interactions while streamlining the sales process through centralized automation and standardization. This approach enables automated workflows, reducing time spent on repetitive tasks. Moreover, internal alerts ensure sales reps are promptly reminded of account renewals or deadlines, facilitating a more proactive and organized strategy for sales activities.

Personalized Communication and Engagement

Personalization can lower your customer acquisition costs by as much as 50%. By integrating automated workflows, a CRM system helps sales agents focus on personalized communication by providing relevant customer information during an interaction. This allows a sales rep to tackle more challenging client problems and automate repetitive ones.

Improved Customer Insights and Management

Through a CRM system, enterprises gain access to valuable lead, opportunity, order and customer service information, aiding in a deeper understanding of prospect and client needs and preferences, based on past interactions or online activities. It also allows for clear differentiation between new customers and existing customers, tailoring each interaction accordingly. By aligning sales and marketing efforts this way, you’ll ensure that every team member uses targeted messaging and processes at each stage of the buyer’s journey, enhancing overall engagement and customer satisfaction.

You’ll find many different CRM solutions with unique focus areas. Examples of popular CRM systems beside Microsoft Dynamics 365 including Salesforce, HubSpot, Freshworks, Pipedrive, and Zoho. Picking the right one depends on your functionality and business needs, preferred support options, budget and existing infrastructure, among other factors.


Exploring Marketing Automation

CRM systems often include some social media or email capabilities aimed at sales reps and service personnel. A marketing automation solution focuses entirely on streamlining content delivery processes and strategies as well as ca,paign analytics reporting.

The goal is to nurture prospects and customers at all stages of the buyer journey with personalized, timely content at scale. To achieve that, these tools enable businesses to automate repetitive tasks, segment their target audience and craft targeted digital marketing campaigns based on customer behavior and demographics.

While this always involves some type of automation, the levels of that automation can vary. They can range from basic email marketing scheduling to comprehensive advertising platforms that integrate marketing functionalities — from blog post content to social media outreach.

Benefits of Marketing Automation

You may think that marketing or even sales automation will make your brand seem robotic and neglect the human element in customer interactions, but you’ll find the opposite is true. Once you’ve taken repetitive tasks and mundane scheduling off your team’s plate, they can focus on deep, meaningful connections, thus realizing a range of benefits for your business:

Unified brand experience: By using both humans and machines to the best of their abilities, you can leave repetitive copy-and-paste tasks to automation, ensuring a cohesive brand experience across multiple touch points. This will result in higher conversion rates and improved customer engagement.

Enhanced lead management: To manage a lead, you first need to find the time to notice it. Marketing automation tools often include lead-scoring features, allowing businesses to prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert. This can help inform your marketing team’s interactions with sales and drive measurable results.

Insights and analytics: Production and automation are only half the battle. Without solid analytics, you’re flying blind. Robust customer data gives you the chance to improve campaign performance over time and to inform decisions about product placement and branding with actual customer preferences and behavior patterns.

Automatically triggered emails: Once you’ve analyzed common patterns, it’s easy to set up email triggers that will automatically fire based on predefined actions. This allows you to tailor content to customers at various stages of the sales funnel.

Marketing Automation Examples

There are many marketing automation platforms offering diverse functionalities catering to businesses of various scales and marketing needs. Some also have out-of-the-box integrations to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales & Service CRM offerings as well as other CRM solutions like SalesForce.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights and Journeys: This combined customer data platform and real-time journey orchestration empower uncovering new insights and deliver personalized customer experiences. With Journeys, an event can trigger a combination of emails, push notifications, and text messages that can operate over either a segment of contacts at a planned time or that can respond to a specific trigger event.

366 Degrees: A platform offering comprehensive marketing automation systems for everything from social media scheduling to sales outreach.

Marketo (Adobe Marketo Engage): Known for its robust features in lead management, email marketing, chat automation and enhanced analytics, Marketo caters to mid-sized and enterprise-level businesses.

Autopilot: Renowned for its user-friendly interface and visual journey builder, making marketing automation accessible to businesses of all sizes and technical expertise levels.

Oracle Eloqua: An enterprise-level marketing automation tool focused on personalized customer experiences and sophisticated campaign management, including lead scoring and artificially enhanced customer engagement features.

io: Offers personalized messaging through behavioral targeting and customer profiles, enabling businesses to engage customers more effectively.

Constant Contact: Popular among small to mid-sized businesses, Constant Contact provides easy-to-use email marketing and automation tools.

ClickDimensions: ClickDimensions allows you to take your Email Marketing and web content and integrate it seamlessly with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM modules.

HubSpot: Known for its all-in-one marketing platform, offering CRM, marketing, sales and service tools for businesses of various sizes.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Offers a suite of marketing automation tools integrated with Salesforce CRM, enabling personalized customer experiences.

Active Campaign: Renowned for its automation capabilities and email marketing solutions, suitable for small to mid-sized businesses.

Klaviyo: Specializes in e-commerce marketing automation, focusing on data-driven personalized campaigns to drive sales and customer engagement.

Convertkit: Tailored for content creators, providing email marketing and automation tools optimized for bloggers and influencers.

Mailchimp: Known for its user-friendly interface and a wide array of marketing automation features suitable for small businesses.

Pardot: Part of the Salesforce ecosystem, Pardot offers B2B marketing automation solutions integrated with Salesforce CRM.

Encharge: Offers a user-friendly automation platform with features for advanced behavior-based emails, billing integration and CRM sync, empowering businesses to create sophisticated automation workflows.

Hootsuite: Primarily a social media management tool, Hootsuite also offers basic functionalities for AI content creation, social listening and analytics.

Each marketing automation platform mentioned provides unique features and capabilities, catering to different business needs and preferences. By leveraging these tools, your business can streamline marketing efforts, engage customers effectively, and drive growth by nurturing leads through personalized, data-driven strategies. Some of these like Constant Contact, ClickDimensions, and Hubspot can integrate to CRM solutions like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales & Service CRM offerings, while others don’t have an existing integration. Make sure you research this as part of your decision making process because an integration between your CRM and eMarketing solution is invaluable.


Signs You Might Need a CRM System or Marketing Automation Software

Understanding the nuances between CRM and marketing automation tools is crucial for businesses trying to identify their current needs, especially when they’re looking for tools to address urgent problems. Each tool serves a distinct purpose. It’s important to understand which challenges vendors attempt to address before blindly picking the one with the most features.

Based on what we’ve discussed, it’s already clear that CRM and marketing automation tools can overlap, at least to a degree. Having a basic understanding of your feature requirements helps you determine where exactly on the spectrum you fit in.

For some enterprises, investing in a dedicated CRM solution would just add unnecessary complexity. Others might benefit from combining a marketing automation tool with their CRM for certain features. You’ll have to consider your team’s technical abilities, industry, budget and a range of other factors, but here are a few signs that can help you move in the right direction.

Signs pointing toward CRM Signs pointing toward marketing automation
Complaints about customer service Contact list getting too big to handle
Losing customers Not converting leads to opportunities
Outgrowing a lead tracking system Clunky content production processes
Inability to keep up with lead flow Too many marketing tools
Losing leads Too much time spent on reporting
Scattered customer data Email overload
Inefficient sales process Lack of personalization
Lack of customer segmentation and analytics Limited engagement across different channels
Relying on manual reporting processes No automated workflows for lead follow-ups or conversion
Inaccurate sales projections Time-consuming social media management
Low customer retention No behavior tracking


The Synergy Between the Marketing and Sales Team

Once you’ve mastered the first hurdle of evaluating your current setup and future software needs, combining CRM and marketing automation solutions can help you realize unparalleled synergies. The beauty lies in how these systems complement each other.

CRM systems, or solutions with a stronger focus on CRM than marketing, excel in managing customer interactions and sales pipelines. Marketing automation tools, on the other hand, will help you streamline campaign execution and analytics reporting. When integrated seamlessly, they form a dynamic duo, leveraging customer data from different types of interactions to inform your branding, customer service and product offering.

That way, customer feedback and complaints can guide your next marketing campaign, and statistics about online engagement and demographics on social media can enable you to find more clients or re-engage existing ones. From enabling personalized messaging and lead scoring to eliminating duplicates and nurturing prospects, the integration can help you gain a deeper understanding of your target audiences.

With robust reporting mechanisms in place, you can also ensure that your communication stays consistent and reflects your relationships with individual customers. After all, nothing is more annoying than receiving a reminder for an offer you’ve already purchased.

For many businesses, this sounds like the ideal solution, but not everybody will need this level of sophistication. When considering the necessity for a CRM, marketing automation or both, you need to conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis. Assess specific needs your employees currently have as well as business and marketing objectives to determine the optimal solution.

Gauge where your team struggles the most and make a decision based on pain points rather than shiny specs. Evaluate the current collaboration patterns between your sales and marketing teams and try to recognize where gaps in data analysis or reporting caused problems.

It can help to consider your industry’s specific market dynamics and your own growth cycles as a company. Depending on your customers’ unique requirements for 1:1 support or the complexity of your product, you may need to rely more heavily on CRM than marketing automation.

An upcoming startup might focus more strongly on lead generation, whereas a more established enterprise might lean toward better managing existing customer relationships. You’ll have to evaluate your business priorities to establish which combination of technologies serves you and your clients best.


The Crucial Role of Integration: Enhancing Email Marketing and Your Sales Funnel

Let’s delve into a manufacturing example to illustrate how integrating CRM and marketing automation can drive business. In the manufacturing industry, CRM systems compile a wealth of data, including past purchases, product preferences, industry-specific needs and engagement history. This data is pivotal for segmenting your customer base. For more complex operations, you may even choose to combine your CRM with an enterprise resource planning and marketing automation solution.

For instance, segmenting clients based on the type of machinery or equipment purchased, maintenance history or contract renewal dates allows for tailored email campaigns offering maintenance tips, upgrade options or special offers aligned with those scenarios.

Keep in mind that the same client may respond to different materials based on where they are in the buyer’s journey.

When they’re still exploring your product lines and showing their interest, your marketing automation funnel could trigger introductory emails with case studies showcasing successful implementations of machinery or equipment.

For clients considering upgrades or additional machinery, personalized emails through automation can provide comparative analyses, cost-benefit breakdowns and client testimonials tailored to their industry.

After a purchase or contract renewal, your CRM could trigger post-sale emails such as thank-you messages, onboarding guides or follow-ups regarding warranty renewals and service agreements.

With both service and marketing personnel looking at the same material, you’ll quickly notice where customers encounter bumps in the road or need a bit more context.


Speak With an Expert Today To Learn How a CRM Can Benefit Your Business

Implementing CRM and marketing automation solutions is a matter requiring self-knowledge and careful planning.

In theory, both types of tools can have tremendous effects on your team’s overall productivity, and therefore on conversion rates and your bottom line. That said, it’s easy to fall for all the bells and whistles in a tool that doesn’t reflect where your business is currently headed, whether it’s focused on a different industry or differently sized enterprises.

Make sure you have a sense of the pain points and problems your teams and customers are already facing before researching any solutions. That way, you know which questions to ask and what to look for in a solution.

If you want to brainstorm what features and options are most important for your organization, The TM Group is here to help. We’ve supported businesses across industries with their CRM, marketing automation and ERP platforms for years. To learn more about the best solutions for your enterprise, talk to one of our experts today.

Marketing Services and Branding Company Streamlines Reporting With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Even today, not every marketing service consists of digital services alone. Some physical marketing pieces are still required for companies to get the brands’ messaging out there. 

When a one-stop shop for innovative signage and event marketing materials found that their current system didn’t match their objectives to move to the cloud, The TM Group guided them through implementing a cloud ERP solution that fits their business model without relying on too many third-party, add-on solutions.


The Challenge

Our client had been a long-time user of Microsoft Dynamics GP, but they hadn’t really tapped into all of its capabilities. Instead, they were often still entering data into spreadsheets that weren’t connected to their accounting system, causing them to invest countless hours in inefficient data entry and auditing reports.

Primarily, they were using GP’s accounting and back-office functionality as well as the order management module. They mostly used General Ledger for accounts payable and receivable. Since they’re not in a business where they utilize wholesale inventory but rather use it as part of more extensive offerings, including branding services, they were only employing a basic configuration for sales and inventory. They also weren’t using Microsoft Dynamics GP’s job costing functionality, nor were they leveraging its Manufacturing or Bill of Materials module.

Their management had already decided on a corporate-wide cloud initiative and a goal to improve their reporting capabilities. As a first step toward that cloud initiative, they had moved their CRM system to They also were using SmartConnect to integrate their invoicing data from Salesforce into their Microsoft Dynamics GP system. Now, they also wanted to move their on-premise accounting solution to the cloud, more specifically move from the Microsoft Dynamics GP on-premise ERP solution to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central cloud ERP solution.


The Solution

The client took advantage of a dual-license promotion for Microsoft Dynamics GP and Business Central, allowing them to test the waters before fully transitioning to Business Central. During that trial process, the TMG team offered guidance and support to guarantee Business Central’s functionality was aligned with their business requirements. Being happy with what they were seeing, they proceeded to transition to the Business Central solution with the guidance of The TM Group.

Now, instead of relying on a patch-work solution including numerous spreadsheets, they use Salesforce for sales and purchase order management. This Salesforce data is also seamlessly integrated with Business Central via Microsoft Power Automate. Once they were properly instructed, the client’s staff set up most of the integration within Business Central by themselves.

To ensure they gain maximum benefits from their new Business Central system and don’t turn back to external workarounds, the TMG team also trained them on Business Central’s table structures and showed them how they could better perform ad hoc reporting instead of building external spreadsheets.

The client also decided to add Solver to their solution for better financial reporting. TMG trained them on how to use this new tool. With a little help from the TMG business intelligence consulting team, the client’s staff has written their balance sheet, income statements and other reports, which they previously were doing manually.

Many functional improvements, however, didn’t even require third-party solutions like Solver. Streamlining their customer statement emailing process was easily streamlined, because the feature is native to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. When using Microsoft Dynamics GP, the equivalent statement functionality would have required them to use Word templates or additional third-party tools like Liaison Messenger.

With Business Central, the client can now send electronic statements easily. However, they still send invoices out of Salesforce and, using Power Automate, they import this data into Business Central for collections work and to analyze customer data.

To improve reporting capabilities, TMG’s developers added custom fields to the standard sales and purchase order tables in Business Central. This allows the client to capture additional business data elements tracked in Salesforce via Power Automate, allowing them to streamline reporting. Previously, they had to manually track this important business data in offline spreadsheets.  

TMG’s development team also enhanced the native Business Central Excel reporting and oData Service capabilities to automatically display those new data elements. Now, the client can easily access and refresh the sales and purchase order information they need via Excel to better manage their processes. 

As with any cloud-based solution, Business Central additionally makes support way easier than with their GP on-premise solution. When the TMG team needs to jump in to handle a support incident, they can even swiftly examine the database before calling the client back. All training and support can also be easily done through Microsoft Teams. Whether you look at the initial setup or regular support, these processes would have required extensive traveling and/or long periods of time waiting for remote access with their GP on-premise solution.


The Impact

From inventory management to customer relationship management, the switch has completely transformed our client’s entire business processes. The move to a cloud-based solution like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central improved their internal reporting capabilities and helped them identify opportunities for cost savings and future improvement. 

And, thanks to their use of the oData feed, our client is getting up-to-date, system-generated reporting, which they otherwise would need to manually create over long hours in Excel spreadsheets. Since they’re reporting against the Business Central tables in Excel, they can refresh reports themselves without TMG’s support.



Thanks to the client’s implementation of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP cloud solution, they have better analytical reporting, gained greater staff efficiencies and The TM Group can also offer better ongoing remote support.

Their new business systems ultimately helped them use their extensive reporting to fine-tune their service offerings and become a more trusted business partner. This change wouldn’t have been possible without the flexibility of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, one of the most adaptable and reliable solutions on the market, and the expert guidance of The TM Group.

If you find yourself in a similar situation as our client, you might be ready to make the jump as well. Get in touch with the TM Group today and schedule an appointment with one of our expert consultants to learn how the right platform will streamline your business.